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The Xplore Programme is a two day training programme for Primary school pupils in Y4-Y6 to enable them to become peer Activity Leaders and Ambassadors.

Xplore trains pupils to provide additional capacity and support for positive playground activities and other physical activity promotion. It aims to change behaviours around young people’s health and wellbeing.

Xplore is a practical two day programme with follow up activities and support to develop activity leadership skills combined with an introduction to resilience, mentoring and meditation skills. The programme is closely linked with the primary PE agenda and has been developed to create greater capacity in schools that further promotes physical activity, positive participation and the encouragement of healthy lifestyles. In addition it provides evidence for schools to support the promotion of British Values of respect, tolerance, the rule of law and an appreciation of equality and competitiveness.

The programme will generate evidence to demonstrate impact for primary PE funding, assessment and the development of pupils’ health and wellbeing, behaviour, and personal, social, cultural and moral development. 

The Xplore training is delivered by experienced qualified teachers and is inclusive of two days trainer time, a further half day follow up, all pupil packs, certificates, badges, lanyards and all other resources.

For more information Contact Us

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